blog in tricks

how to write your first blog post? | what is about write my first post? | how to write a post in blog?

Are you ready to make your first blog post !

  • But not quite sure what to say? Maybe you figure since blogging seems to be so casual you can post whatever your heart desires and not be overly concerned. If nothing more it will at least get the ball rolling for you.

Well !

  • Actually you could post whatever you want.On the other hand you may be serious about doing something constructive with it like building a list of loyal subscriber’s who share a common interest.

The point here is if you have a definite direction or purpose for your new blogyou should treat your first post much like an introduction to a new friend.

Here are 4 key elements you will want to include in your first blog post.!

1) Introduce Yourself [Who you are]

  1. Here’s your opportunity to give your readers a little insight into who you are. 
  2. Share with them your interest, business experience, other personal experiences that may be of interest to them and relevant to the theme of your site.
  3. Inform your readers of any family or pets you may have and of what importance they may have to you and why.
  4. Share pictures if you’ve got them.
  5. After all one picture is worth a thousand words.
  6. Your readers will appreciate this.

You want your readers to become familiar with you while also gaining their trust.

2) What is Your Reason for Blogging [why are you blogging]

  1. Now you’ll want your readers to know and understand your purpose or motivation for blogging.
  2. Make your intentions clear as to what nagging questions, dilemmas, or passions you plan to address.
  3. You want them to feel the anger, frustrations, passions, or enthusiasm you feel and the commitment you have to your blogging efforts.

3) What you Will be Blogging About

  1. Your readers will want to know what to expect when they visit your site.
  2. What direction you’ll be taking on the stated theme and how you intend to address the issues of this subject matter.
  3. Will this just be an online ranting station or do you intend to take a more constructive, tactical and problem solving approach in addressing the topic at hand.

4) Encourage Comments

  1. You immediately want to foster an atmosphere of community and involvement for your readers.
  2. Commenting and reader participation is a major factor in the growth and popularity of blogging.
  3. Build upon this by encouraging comments, disagreements, or criticisms from visitors and making it easy for them to do so.
  4. Make available your contact information (any of which is comfortable to you) but make it clear you are accessible to them.

Be sure to clearly state your comment policy so as to keep this area under control and constructive for both the blog owner and its readers.

Realizing that your first blog post is an introduction to your readers and including these 4 key elements in your initial post will give you a solid start for your new blog.

Next we will see what to do after creating first post?...